
时间:2023-06-18 01:25:38作者:笑眼深邃来源:互联网我要投稿


阳光是免费的,阳光是珍贵的,阳光是唯美的,阳光是色彩的混合物。Sunshine is free, sunshine is precious, sunshine is aesthetical, sunshine is a mixture of colors.

那一束清晨的阳光,唤起了勃勃生机,唤起了满园盛景。进取昂扬、风华正茂!That bundle of early morning sunshine, aroused the vitality, aroused the full garden. Enterprising and prosperous!

在每个星光陨落的晚上,一遍一遍数我的寂寞。In every night of starlight falling, count my loneliness again and again.

生活简单就是幸福,平常的心态,平静的对待,脸上充满甜蜜,每天送自己一个微笑。Life is happiness, ordinary mentality, calm treatment, face full of sweetness, give yourself a smile every day.

阶前雨是无根雨,心上人是无望人。天上雨是人间雨,天涯人是所念人。The rain in front of the steps is rootless rain, and my sweetheart is hopeless. The rain in the sky is the rain on earth, and the people in the end of the world are the people who want to read.

春阳灿灿,夏山如碧,秋草抱朴,冬日烈烈,皆愿与君长相随。Spring sun cancancan, summer mountain such as green, autumn grass embrace , winter strong, are willing to follow your long.

绿叶啊,绿叶,你这般美丽地从树上轻轻飘下,随风起舞,却不知已被人称之为落叶!Green leaves, green leaves, you are so beautiful floating down from the tree, dancing with the wind, but I do not know that you have been called the fallen leaves!

亲爱的朋友们,收藏起你心中的那束阳光,缔造阳光,快乐就会光顾你。Dear friends, collect the sunshine in your heart, create sunshine, and happiness will patronize you.


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